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Ledyard Music General Donations
Any donations to this fund will be used to support the students of Ledyard Music.

Ledyard Drama
Donations to this fund will be used to support theatrical productions at Ledyard High School.

Ledyard Music Commissioning Fund
The Ledyard Music Commissioning Fund allows Ledyard Music to commission new music every year. Any donations to this fund will be used to finance new works written specifically for the Ledyard Music program. 

Memorial Scholarship Funds
This collection will be donated to Memorial Scholarship funds in memory of former Ledyard Choir students like Matthew Buriak, Lauren Candler, or Jenna Foltz. The Ledyard Choirs host a fundraising concert for these scholarships every March.

LHS Choir Tour
This fund supports Chamber Choir and Select Singers' annual tour. These choirs represent Ledyard Music through competitions, clinics, and concerts throughout the United States.

Ledyard Colonel Marching Band
Donations to this fund will directly support the Marching Colonels through their athletic and competition seasons.

